Surname | First name | Title | Download |
Aronica | Valentina | Italy, the Mediterranean as a political space, and implications for maritime migration governance | pdf file |
Bennett | Andrew Mark | Wilderness as a fundamental concept of law | pdf file |
Bourguignon Lelo di Makungu |
Marie Ursil |
The impact of globalization on the protection of minorities: the Cameroon crisis | pdf file |
Cohen | Elizabeth F. | The Sovereign Temporal Borders around Nation-States, Populations, and Citizenries | pdf file |
Cristiano Distretti |
Fabio Emilio |
Along the Lines of the Occupation. Playing at Diminished Reality in East Jerusalem | pdf file |
de los Reyes | Elizer Jay | Red Spit, Broken Backs, and Abstract Pesos: Schooling and Youth Imagination in Transnationally-Linked Villages in the Cordillera Mountains of Northern Philippines | pdf file |
Doyle | Oran | The Silent Constitution of Territory | pdf file |
Harpaz | Yossi | Border Crossings as Social Boundaries: When a Second Passport Becomes a Status Symbol | pdf file |
Laube | Lena | Global social inequality, nationality, and territorial access. The case of the global visa regime | pdf file |
Meine | Anna | Democracy, Citizenship, and Territory. Preserving the Link? | pdf file |
Rochel | Johan | Justifying the Competence to Control Immigration: the Responsible Administration of Resources | pdf file |
Rosenberg Rubins | Rottem | Is immigration detention a new form of territorial border? Lessons from detention of asylum-seekers in the Israeli ‘control society’ | pdf file |
Plonski | Sharri | The View from the Train. Interrogating the HaEmek Train Corridor | pdf file |
Szigeti | Péter D. | Territorial Language in Law: An Introduction | pdf file |